The lives of people and plants are more entwined than we often realized. Some herbs have such power to change our physiological functioning that they have revolutionized medicine, created fortunes for those who grow, process, and trade them. Wars have been fought over opium, and conflict continues over both it and coca.
All herbals are build on earlier knowledge, while reflecting the practices and interest of time. This blog is no different or exception. Its aim is to draw strands of knowledge together, to providing a reference source for the millenium that in turn will accommodate new information and perspectives. I hope that this blog may stimulate the curiosity and imagination of those who read this.
All substances are poisons; there is none which is not a poison.
The right dose differentiates between a
poison and a remedy.
Let me begin this week with this common herb plant found in Asia.
Botanical Name of plant: Selaginella doederleinii Hieron
Habitat: Along ravines, under shades and on damp soil.
Preparation: Use dried whole plant.
Characteristis of this herb: Sweet, antipyretic,antitoxic, antineoplastic,hemostatic.
Use by the chinese for treatment of the following Indications:
1. Chorioepithelioma, Choriocarcinoma, Nasopharyngeal cancer, Lung cancer.
2. Cough, Sorethroat, pyodermas.
3. Respiratory tract infections, Bronchitis,pneumonia, Tonsillitis.
4. Hepatitis, cholecystitis, cirrhosis,ascites,acute urinary tract infection.
Dose: 15-30gm.-Boil in water for 3 -4 hours.
For cancer treatment use: 50-100gm Selaginella doederleinii, and boil in water for 3-4 hours.
For treatment of malignancy, cirrhosis: 60gm.Selaginella doederleinii, add lean pork meat 30gm,or dates and boil with water.
For treatment of Pneumonia, acute tonsillitis, conjunctivitis: 30gm Selaginella doederleinii, 30gm lean pork meat and boil with water for 3-4 hours.
You must check with private,professional medical advisors to assess whether the suggestions in my blog "The Healing Power of Herbs" are appropriate for you. And please note,the contents of my blog "The Healing Power of Herbs" may be considered controversial by the western community at large as compare to Asian/chinese community.I am herbalist and not a medical doctor or professional health caregiver.The information in my blog"The Healing Power of Herbs" is not meant to replace the attention or advice of western physicians or other healthcare professionals.Nothing contain in my blog"The healing Power of Herbs" is meant to constitute personal medical advice for any particular individual.Every reader who wishes to begin any dietary,drug,exercise or other lifestyle changes intended to treat a specified disease or health condition should first get the advice of a qualified health care professional, or accept full responsibility if he or she decides not to do that.
No alternative OR mainstream medical treatment can boast a one hundred percent record of success.Far from it.There is ALWAYS some risk involved in any treatment and I will not be responsible for any adverse effects or results from the use of any suggestions,preparations or procedures described in this blog.As with any medical treatment,mainstream or herbal, results of the treatment may vary from one person to another.
What a nice and interesting article is this! I like this article because it supplies all the details regarding to this herb so that the readers will be able to gain more information on this herb.Thank you for sharing this post!
alternative treatments to cancer